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Ergo Brush

Hairbrush For Hand Arthritis

Ergo Brush coverpage


Arthritis has been a known physical condition that has affected countless number of people especially elderly individuals. It targets the mobility of joints and can cause pain that makes doing everyday task a reoccurring challenge. The arthritis is diagnosed into 2 different categories; Osteoarthritis and and Rheumatoid arthritis.

Role: Industrial Designer
User Research, 3D Product Design, CAD Modeling, Prototyping, 3D Printing, User Testing
Project Duration
Oct 2018 - Dec 2018
Client/ Team
Academic Project (OCAD University)


How can we design a hairbrush that supports multiple severities of Rheumatoid arthritis?

1. Define


User Simulation

I brought my focus to understanding how Rheumatoid Arthritis effects the hands of an individual. Some of the common symptoms that I found with the condition was limited range of motion, stiffness in the joints, and joint swelling.  As a way to better understand the user, I crafted a glove that simulated some of the known signs and symptoms. Three gloves were made with each one increasing in severity of physical dexterity. I had myself and other individuals perform regular tasks like opening doors, and peeling carrots with the glove to observe some of the potential pain points.

Product Analysis

I will be specifically focusing my design that targets Rheumatoid arthritis that affects the hands. Since the hands will be the main target constraint of tackling rheumatoid arthritis, I decided to look into everyday task that require individuals to use their hands a lot. Combing or brushing your hair is something that everyone does either you’re a female, male, child, adult or a senior. Hair brushings and combs come in different shapes and forms: There are ones that are held with a fist grip, ones with a wider grip and ones with supportive straps.

User Study

I gave individuals a hair brush to observe the different ways that they hold it to brush their hair. With this study, I was able to get an idea of the different features and elements that make a brush for a user.

I found that these key elements are a big factor to how individuals choose the type of hairbrush that they like. When I take into consideration of an individual with rheumatoid arthritis with their hands, these considerations would need to be thought differently.

2. Develop


Initial Concepts

Ideations of different handles and grips for hair brushes and combs.

User Study

I gave individuals a hair brush to observe the different ways that they hold it to brush their hair. With this study, I was able to get an idea of the different features and elements that make a brush for a user.

Re-Evaluate Direction

With the feedback that I recieved, I realized that what I thought was a comfortable handle for the individual with Rheumatoid Arthritis, actually was harder to use then a regular hair brush. I began accessing other hand held items that have very well designed ergonomics. One of the items that I explored, was a computer mouse.

Revisions & Material Testing

From user feedback and more product analysis, I created a more refined form of the hair brush/ comb. This was where I also started exploring the material use of the handle.

I created a positive of the handle of the hair brush using high density foam and then I vaccum formed it to create a mold that would be used to create a silicone version of the hair brush handle.

Dexterity Testing

Creating a DIY glove the simulates the signs and symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Here, I realized that silicone was not the right material because of its weight when holding it and its lack of adhesion to bond to other parts.

3. Proposal

Ergo Brush