Econnect Registration

Registration Platform Redesign

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Econnect (Ezreg) is a registration platform that the City of Markham uses for individuals to register for programs and courses from their near by Community Centre. As someone that has been an employee and an customer for the City of Markham, this registration platform has become the forefront of how residence of Markham sign up and find information about program/ courses they want to participate in, facility booking and any updates regarding news and events happening within the city. The current web platform being used today has not been updated for nearly 20 years and now that all registration inquires are all done online, the website is in need of a redesign mainly for its navigation and accessibility.

Role: UX/UI Design Lead
Visual & Interaction Design, User Research, Information architecture
Project Duration
2 weeks
Client/ Team
Personal Case Study (City of Markham)

The Problem:

Customers have a hard time finding updated information about a program that they would like to register for in a timely manner.

1. Discovery

Research and Empathy

My perspective

For just over 5 years, I worked part time as an Aquatic’s swimming instructor and Lifeguard in the City of Markham. Many of my co-workers and me on a daily basis, get many questions regarding registering for swimming programs or swimming levels. We usually try to direct them to also use the Econnect website to answer these questions but many users end up relying on us to help them with their program registration. Although we are trained to deal with these issues, our primary task, as an Aquatics employee is to deal with the issues residing in the physical swimming environment. This makes me wonder, if many customers are relying on use with their registration needs, then something needs to be done with the website that should answer most of these questions.

Primary Research: User survey

Although I have my own views and insights regarding the website, I wanted to ensure that they were not fully biased to what I think are the user’s pain points. One of the key take ways that I noticed from many of the customers was that registering for certain programs are becoming a lot more competitive in terms of availability. As a result, finding the right program with the desired timeslot should be a much faster process.

2. Define

Synthesis & Insights

User persona

I wanted to get a general idea of the type of customers that have used the Econnect website register for a program/ course. Much of the issues revolving around the registration process came from older adults that are trying to register a program for their kids or seniors that want to participate in aquatic drop-in programs.

Heuristic evaluation

I did a thorough evaluation of the Econnect registration website and considered the different visual and user flow elements that require attention or a re-design. Throughout my evaluation, I made sure that I was still considering the insights that I got from my feedback survey.

1. Start page

2. Program list

3. Login

4. Checkout


The site has such an overload of information that users get confused to where they should navigate.
It takes a long time for users to find the programs that they want to register.
Users rely on receptionist/ Customer support for their program inquiries instead of the site
Overall aesthetic of the site is very outdated
Quicker asset to reoccurring registered programs
Why can users only search by the program barcode?

Mapping the journey

The Heuristic evaluation allowed me to critique elements of the website that were and were not working. With this re-design, I wanted to make sure that I was not taking out visual or interactive elements that were already working for the website. With a user journey map, I pinned out the process of registering for a course on Econnect/ EZ registration that showed larger and lower levels of frustration.


How can we streamline the search and registration process for users on the platform?

3. Develop



Taking what I learned from my research and critique of the website, I created some wireframe ideations of different page layouts. This was a good opportunity for me to see what truly needs to be changed and what is already working.


4. Branding

Colour Palette

City of Markham branding

The City of Markham has 2 websites; the Econnect program registration website and their main community website. They have a general brand and colour guideline for their company, so I wanted to try to follow those guidelines as best as I can with this re-design. I extracted some of the colour hues that I found on the sport, recreation, and fitness section of their main website.

5. Proposal

Econnect Registration Site

Homepage: Pre-login

The homepage of a website leaves a very big first impression on many of its viewers. In the current platform, the first page that the user in presented is a homepage with a vast amount of text that lacked Information hierarchy and most users would probably not bother reading it. My approach:

Quick searches

Login to register

Users can browse without logging in but if they decide to register, they will need to login into their account.

Initial login pop-up

Adding a program

Checking out

Single user account

During the sign up process of Econnect, users have an option to create an account that is for themselves or carries multiples participants. An account with multiple participants are typically for guardians/ parents register for kids 12 and under. The key difference in the single user account versus a family account is that a single user does not have a section to "add participant."

6. Reflection


What would I do differently next time?

With this re-design, I gave myself a strict deadline of 2 weeks to complete it. There certain things that I could have done with this project that would make my final concept more complete but in the real world, sometimes you need to work with the parameters and schedule that is given. If I were to do this project differently this is what I would have done.

Potential metrics

If the the redesign were be put into product, here are some of the metrics that I would try to track