Who are the users that use a Digital Asset Management (DAM) application?
Majority of the Tenovos's Digital Asset Management users fall into the category of creative and marketing within the retail space. This specific core feature within the application impact every user: this spans to individuals in Marketing, Design, Product management. and individuals on teams that specialize in Digital Asset Management (DAM).

Heuristic Evaluation: Case #1 (Download/ Download request)
The 2 most common actions performed within the application is a Download/ Download Request and an Upload of assets.
1. Content store
Select assets in the Digital asset management platform to be downloaded within the Content Store.

2. Download request form
Certain assets within the applications require the need to be approved by another member of the team. The end-user is required to fill out at download request form that would be submitted.

3. Download request toast message
In the case of the user selecting assets with a combination of assets that do and do not need to be approved, there are 2 confirmation toast messages that appear at the top right corner of the screen.

4. In-progress for soon to be ready to download assets
Processing jobs of any actions with multi-selected assets get displayed in a page called the "Job Centre." Users need to navigate to a separate page to view the status of their assets.

5. Processing completed

Case #2 (Upload assets)
Primary method of uploading assets into the application.
1. Select files to upload and fill out metadata
User selects the assets that they want to upload into the application. They will then proceed to selecting a metadata template and fill out the fields that will be applied to all the assets.

2. Upload processing and toast message confirmation

Current State: User flow

How do we make activities and updates of assets visually more transparent to our users?
Competitor Analysis: Notifications are not a new thing
The key elements that I looked out in the competitor analysis was to see how these applications update user's regarding key pieces of information, how they action on these updates and overall how these notifications are organized.
Wireframing: "Lets get all the ideas out"
This was an opportunity to take all of my findings from what I knew about the users and from the insights gathered from the competitor analysis and really exploration all the assumptions that I had.
Placement: How do we ensure that notification messages don't become a distraction from our assets
Low-Fidelity: Defining the views
Toast messages exploration
- Addressing multi actions
- Users do not have a clear visual of how far along their digital assets processing job
Fly-Out menu
- Notification relevancy (New to old)
- Life cycle and expiration of a notification
New Flow: Multi asset processing
This was an opportunity to take all of my findings from what I knew about the users and from the insights gathered from the competitor analysis and really exploration all the assumptions that I had.
High-fidelity iterations: Scalable for majority of Tenovos's users
Stakeholder & User Feedback
- Having too many colour indicators becomes distracting
- Green colour indicator is misleading to when an action has finished processing
- UI Components are too clustered on one side
- Indicator for new notifications creates visual imbalance
3 Components
Toast Message

Notification Panel

Full Page

Asset processing visual and call to action
- All actions performed on the select set of assets go through a consistent processing interaction
- Directly action/ view the assets that have successfully been processed

Number of toast messages cap out
Users can easily have their screen populate with notification updates, if they are do not get dismissed, resulting in key screen real estate being covered.
- Clicking to a view for toast message roll up, will open up the notification panel
- Toast messages will continue to stay onto the screen until the user dismisses it

Everything gets backed up
If users dismiss a toast message but realize that it was something important that they want to deal with later on, they can open up the notification panel to still view and action on it.

Different groups of notifications to action
The Notification Panel is split up with notifications for processing actions performed on select assets and users that get notifications for reviewing and asset approval from their team members.

Notification expiration
Notifications displayed on the panel expire and get removed after 30 day. If needed, users can access all their past notifications after the 30 days but can only be viewed.

Responsive mobile web consideration
With the interactions that had to be considered for mobile, the user experience for users to access notifications was designed slightly different to the web application version.
Potential metrics
This project is still in development but once it is in production, these would be the different metrics that I would measure:

Rate of toast message dismissal

How often users check the notification panel

Customer/ User retention